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Monday, December 19, 2011

Out of the Dark!

Quick update!

The surgery is over and was completed with great competency and care. I was toying with posting a picture of my battle damaged and artfully manscaped mid-section but decided against it.

The catheter comes out Wednesday morning and the pathology should be back before the new year.

I hope to feel well enough to post a full length piece soon.

I'd like to leave you with a couple of snappy numbers.

"T'd Like You For Christmas" by the Brunette Bias fave Holly Cole.

And this ... "If my blog could tell you all the pretty words..."


  1. I love Holly Cole. "Onion Girl" is a particular favorite.

  2. Kate, Holly has a couple of albums not available on the iTunes. Consarnit! She's on the Twitter BTW, @MissHollyCole. I like to get permission before posting music on my blog. She's really nice.

  3. I'm so glad you've gotten the operation over and done with, and my fingers are crossed that the pathology report will contain nothing but positive news.

    Also glad to hear that you've been artfully manscaped. Our Father Wizard deserves no less than that! *smooch*

  4. Top notch info Brother! Now get out of the Artie Johnson German soldier uniform
